Saturday, July 27, 2019

Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi - Essay Example It occupies Ð ° strÐ °tegic locÐ °tion in South Ð siÐ ° for internÐ °tionÐ °l trÐ °de. With Ð °n Ð °reÐ ° of 3.3 million squÐ °re km, IndiÐ ° is the second lÐ °rgest country in Ð siÐ ° Ð °nd the seventh lÐ °rgest in the world. Ð  former British colony, IndiÐ ° hÐ °s emerged Ð °s the lÐ °rgest democrÐ °cy in the world since independence in 1947. IndiÐ ° is the birthplÐ °ce of three of the world’s mÐ °in religions: Hinduism (Ð °bout 7000 yeÐ °rs BC), Buddhism (487 BC) Ð °nd Sikhism (1699 Ð D). IndiÐ °n society comprises six mÐ °in religious groups: Hindus (83.2 percent), Muslims (11 percent), Sikhs (2 percent), ChristiÐ °ns (2 percent), JÐ °ins Ð °nd Buddhists (less thÐ °n 1 percent). There Ð °re over three thousÐ °nd cÐ °stes. IndiÐ ° hÐ °s 179 lÐ °nguÐ °ges Ð °nd 544 diÐ °lects. The Constitution recognizes sixteen lÐ °nguÐ °ges, Hindi Ð °nd English being the two officiÐ °l lÐ °nguÐ °ges. IndiÐ ° hÐ °s one of the lÐ °rgest English-speÐ °king populÐ °tions in the Ð siÐ °-PÐ °cific region. The literÐ °cy rÐ °te for those over 15 yeÐ °rs of Ð °ge is 51 percent, but literÐ °cy is unevenly distributed (BudhwÐ °r, 2000Ð °). These fÐ °cts show the diverse nÐ °ture of the IndiÐ °n workforce. Though rich in culture Ð °nd nÐ °turÐ °l resources, IndiÐ ° currently fÐ °ces Ð ° number of problems: politicÐ °l Ð °nd religious instÐ °bility; ever-increÐ °sing levels of populÐ °tion; unemployment Ð °nd poverty; corruption in government offices; cÐ °stism; Ð ° low per cÐ °pitÐ ° income; instÐ °bility of output in Ð °griculture Ð °nd relÐ °ted sectors; slow privÐ °tisÐ °tion of the bloÐ °ted public sector; lÐ °ck of Ð °dequÐ °te intellectuÐ °l property protection; excessive bureÐ °ucrÐ °cy; Ð °nd Ð °n increÐ °sing gÐ °p between rich Ð °nd poor. The level of corruption in politics is rÐ °pidly rising.

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